Thursday, March 11, 2010

Saving Money in a Tough Economy

We are all a "little tight" on money right now. Brides included. What do you do to have the fairy tale wedding music on a budget? Here are some ideas:
  1. Book a string trio or duo instead of a quartet. This can save several hundred dollars.
  2. Consider using the same musicians for the cocktail hour and reception. It is going to save money to have the same group stay, rather than pay another group to come in. All musicians charge a base rate, and after an hour to an hour and a half, you are saving money to just keep the same folks playing.
  3. You can downsize from a quartet or trio to a duo for the reception. Ask if they can use electric instruments. As to the Georgia String Ensemble, we have a guitar player that plays viola during the ceremony then switches to guitar (with amp) and a violinist who switches to electric violin for the reception. Check us out at
  4. Ask if the group you are using can accept a credit card through PayPal. This defers the money you have to come up with before the wedding. As things settle down later, you can catch up financially.
Relax, and enjoy. Many couples have the most differences over finances, so talk about a budget and a plan ahead of time and STICK TO IT! It will save you in the end!

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